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Why we chose to start a new church...

Both Pastor Dave and John Smith had experience planting and pastoring churches within the Christian and Missionary Alliance.  They met while attending another church in Mesa, AZ.  Without knowing, both Dave and John had it on their hearts to plant yet again.  It was briefly mentioned but no details were discussed at that time.


Several months later, John lead a group of motorcycle missionaries to South Dakota to give out bibles on the streets of Sturgis during Bike Week.  While on that mission, the group attended a Sunday Service at Common Ground Alliance Church in Rapid City, SD.  During the visit, Terry was asked to share his testimony.  This experience, along with the feeling of "Family" at Common Ground, gave Terry the desire to plant a church; one that would offer the same feeling of family.


When the mission was over and the riders returned home, Terry approached John with his idea to plant a new church.  From there, Pastor Dave was contacted and asked to help plant the church and Pastor as well.  He excitedly said, "Yes!"  Soon after, Dave, Terry, John and their wives Leslie, Patty Jo, and Shelly got together in prayer.  They all felt the church plant was God lead and the rest is history!

Why we chose our name, Desert Road Community Church...

Acts 8:26

But an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip saying, "Get up and go south to the road that descends from Jerusalem to Gaza."  (This is a desert road.)


This story is a perfect example of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).  Christ’s Great Commission is the Call of The Christian and Missionary Alliance — it’s why we exist! We are compelled by Jesus’ command to make disciples of all nations. Reaching the lost is a cause for which we are willing to go to the ends of the earth — this is no small task!


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